Bye Bye Birds:

Penguin Roll IconGet it for iPhone/iPad/iTouch

Get it for Android on Google Play or Amazon Market



Shoot, Shoot - Blast.

Bye, Bye Birds is a casual shoot 'em up. Collect better bullets and improve your abilities as you blast through a variety of dumb birds. Tap, tap your way to avenge bugs everywhere.

The story is simple. You are an angry dragonfly. Tired of watching your family get devoured by birds, you are out for revenge. Blast every bird you see and destroy their eggs. Accumulate power ups (guns, speed and health) on the way and try to earn the highest score you can.


Penguin Roll Select Level Screen Penguin Roll Select Level Screen Penguin Roll Select Level Screen

Install: iPhone/iPad/iTouch

Install: Android Market or Amazon Market

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